Ok so growing up in, what was then, a "white" suburban town I listened to a lot of "white" music as my cousins would call it. My favorite bands were the Backstreet Boys and N'sync. I was pretty .... obsessed with them. I had most of the CDs and I knew the words to all the songs. I even crushed on 1 of the boys in each group (Nick Carter and Justin Timberlake). If you were to ask me to pick a favorite song I would probably say .... ALL!!! And i just found out about the NKOTBSB concert that's coming to Boston and I really want to go. Scratch that I NEED to go. What can be better than New Kids on The Block and Backstreet Boys on the same stage? So if there is someone really nice out there and would like to buy the tickets for me, by all means go right ahead :)
I do remember hearing their songs on the radio all the time, back when I was a kid. It makes me feel old thinking back on it...